76-5-504. Victim notification and counseling. (1) The Department of Health shall provide the victim who requests testing of theconvicted sexual offender's human immunodeficiency virus status counseling regarding HIVdisease and referral for appropriate health care and support services. If the local healthdepartment where the victim resides and the Department of Health agree, the Department ofHealth shall forward a report of the convicted sexual offender's human immunodeficiency virusstatus to the local health department and the local health department shall provide the victim whorequests the test with the test results, counseling regarding HIV disease, and referral forappropriate health care and support services.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section
26-6-27, the Department of Health and alocal health department acting pursuant to an agreement made under Subsection (1) may discloseto the victim the results of the convicted sexual offender's human immunodeficiency virus statusas provided in this section.
Amended by Chapter 10, 1997 General Session