76-6-206.1. Criminal trespass of abandoned or inactive mines -- Penalty. (1) For purposes of this section:
(a) "Abandoned or inactive mine" means an underground mine which is no longer openfor access or no longer under excavation and has been clearly marked as closed or protected fromentry.
(b) "Enter" means intrusion of the entire body.
(2) A person is guilty of criminal trespass of an abandoned or inactive mine if, undercircumstances not amounting to burglary as defined in Section
76-6-203, or
(a) the person intentionally enters and remains unlawfully in the underground workings ofan abandoned or inactive mine; or
(b) intentionally and without authority removes, destroys, or tampers with any warningsign, covering, fencing, or other method of protection from entry placed on, around, or over anymine shaft, mine portal, or other abandoned or inactive mining excavation property.
(3) A violation of Subsection (2)(a) is a class B misdemeanor.
(4) A violation of Subsection (2)(b) is a class A misdemeanor.
Enacted by Chapter 223, 1997 General Session