76-6-508. Bribery of or receiving bribe by person in the business of selection,appraisal, or criticism of goods or services. (1) A person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor when, without the consent of theemployer or principal, contrary to the interests of the employer or principal:
(a) he confers, offers, or agrees to confer upon the employee, agent, or fiduciary of anemployer or principal any benefit with the purpose of influencing the conduct of the employee,agent, or fiduciary in relating to his employer's or principal's affairs; or
(b) he, as an employee, agent, or fiduciary of an employer or principal, solicits, accepts,or agrees to accept any benefit from another upon an agreement or understanding that such benefitwill influence his conduct in relation to his employer's or principal's affairs; provided that thissection does not apply to inducements made or accepted solely for the purpose of causing achange in employment by an employee, agent, or fiduciary.
(2) A person is guilty of violation of this section if he holds himself out to the public asbeing engaged in the business of making disinterested selection, appraisal, or criticism of goodsor services and he solicits, accepts, or agrees to accept any benefit to influence his selection,appraisal, or criticism.
Amended by Chapter 241, 1991 General Session