76-6-511. Defrauding creditors. A person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor if:
(1) he destroys, removes, conceals, encumbers, transfers, or otherwise deals withproperty subject to a security interest with a purpose to hinder enforcement of that interest; or
(2) knowing that proceedings have been or are about to be instituted for the appointmentof a person entitled to administer property for the benefit of creditors, he:
(a) destroys, removes, conceals, encumbers, transfers, or otherwise deals with anyproperty with a purpose to defeat or obstruct the claim of any creditor, or otherwise to obstructthe operation of any law relating to administration of property for the benefit of creditors; or
(b) presents to any creditor or to an assignee for the benefit of creditors, orally or inwriting, any statement relating to the debtor's estate, knowing that a material part of suchstatement is false.
Amended by Chapter 241, 1991 General Session