76-6-702. Definitions. As used in this part:
(1) "Access" means to directly or indirectly use, attempt to use, instruct, communicatewith, cause input to, cause output from, or otherwise make use of any resources of a computer,computer system, computer network, or any means of communication with any of them.
(2) "Authorization" means having the express or implied consent or permission of theowner, or of the person authorized by the owner to give consent or permission to access acomputer, computer system, or computer network in a manner not exceeding the consent orpermission.
(3) "Computer" means any electronic device or communication facility that stores,retrieves, processes, or transmits data.
(4) "Computer system" means a set of related, connected or unconnected, devices,software, or other related computer equipment.
(5) "Computer network" means:
(a) the interconnection of communication or telecommunication lines between:
(i) computers; or
(ii) computers and remote terminals; or
(b) the interconnection by wireless technology between:
(i) computers; or
(ii) computers and remote terminals.
(6) "Computer property" includes electronic impulses, electronically produced data,information, financial instruments, software, or programs, in either machine or human readableform, any other tangible or intangible item relating to a computer, computer system, computernetwork, and copies of any of them.
(7) "Confidential" means data, text, or computer property that is protected by a securitysystem that clearly evidences that the owner or custodian intends that it not be available to otherswithout the owner's or custodian's permission.
(8) "Information" does not include information obtained:
(a) through use of:
(i) an electronic product identification or tracking system; or
(ii) other technology used by a retailer to identify, track, or price goods; and
(b) by a retailer through the use of equipment designed to read the electronic productidentification or tracking system data located within the retailer's location.
(9) "License or entitlement" includes:
(a) licenses, certificates, and permits granted by governments;
(b) degrees, diplomas, and grades awarded by educational institutions;
(c) military ranks, grades, decorations, and awards;
(d) membership and standing in organizations and religious institutions;
(e) certification as a peace officer;
(f) credit reports; and
(g) another record or datum upon which a person may be reasonably expected to rely inmaking decisions that will have a direct benefit or detriment to another.
(10) "Security system" means a computer, computer system, network, or computerproperty that has some form of access control technology implemented, such as encryption,password protection, other forced authentication, or access control designed to keep out
unauthorized persons.
(11) "Services" include computer time, data manipulation, and storage functions.
(12) "Financial instrument" includes any check, draft, money order, certificate of deposit,letter of credit, bill of exchange, electronic fund transfer, automated clearing house transaction,credit card, or marketable security.
(13) "Software" or "program" means a series of instructions or statements in a formacceptable to a computer, relating to the operations of the computer, or permitting thefunctioning of a computer system in a manner designed to provide results including systemcontrol programs, application programs, or copies of any of them.
Amended by Chapter 72, 2005 General Session