76-7-305.7. Statistical report by the Department of Health. (1) In accordance with Subsection (2), the Department of Health shall, on an annualbasis, after July 1 of each year, compile and report the following information, relating to thepreceding fiscal year, to the Health and Human Services Interim Committee:
(a) the total amount of informed consent material described in this section that wasdistributed or accessed;
(b) the number of women who obtained abortions in this state without receiving theinformed consent materials described in this section;
(c) the number of statements signed by attending physicians under Subsection
76-7-305.6(4); and
(d) any other information pertaining to obtaining informed consent from a woman whoseeks an abortion.
(2) The report described in Subsection (1) shall be prepared and presented in a mannerthat preserves physician and patient anonymity.
Enacted by Chapter 314, 2010 General Session