76-7-306. Physician, hospital employee, or hospital not required to participate inabortion. (1) A physician, or any other person who is a member of or associated with the staff of ahospital, or any employee of a hospital in which an abortion has been authorized, who states anobjection to an abortion or the practice of abortion in general on moral or religious grounds shallnot be required to participate in the medical procedures which will result in the abortion, and therefusal of any person to participate shall not form the basis of any claim for damages on accountof the refusal or for any disciplinary or recriminatory action against such person, nor shall anymoral or religious scruples or objections to abortions be the grounds for any discrimination inhiring in this state.
(2) Nothing in this part shall require any private and/or denominational hospital to admitany patient for the purpose of performing an abortion.
Amended by Chapter 20, 1995 General Session