76-7-321. Contraceptive and abortion services -- Funds -- Minor -- Definitions. As used in Sections
76-7-321 through
(1) "Abortion services" means any material, program, plan, or undertaking which seeks topromote abortion, encourages individuals to obtain an abortion, or provides abortions.
(2) "Contraceptive services" means any material, program, plan, or undertaking that isused for instruction on the use of birth control devices and substances, encourages individuals touse birth control methods, or provides birth control devices.
(3) "Funds" means any money, supply, material, building, or project provided by thisstate or its political subdivisions.
(4) "Minor" means any person under the age of 18 who is not otherwise emancipated,married, or a member of the armed forces of the United States.
Amended by Chapter 20, 1995 General Session