76-8-503. False or inconsistent statements. A person is guilty of a class B misdemeanor if:
(1) (a) he makes a false statement under oath or affirmation or swears or affirms the truthof the statement previously made and he does not believe the statement to be true if:
(i) the falsification occurs in an official proceeding, or is made with a purpose to misleada public servant in performing his official functions; or
(ii) the statement is one which is authorized by law to be sworn or affirmed before anotary or other person authorized to administer oaths; or
(b) he makes inconsistent statements under oath or affirmation, both within the period oflimitations, one of which is false and not believed by him to be true.
(2) A person is not guilty under this section if the falsification is retracted before itbecomes manifest that the falsification was or would be exposed.
Amended by Chapter 324, 1997 General Session