76-8-701. Definitions. For the purposes of this part:
(1) "Chief administrative officer" means the president of a private or state institution ofhigher education or the officer designated by the president or by the governing board of theinstitution to administer the affairs of a campus or other facility owned by the institution oroperated or controlled by the governing board of the institution.
(2) "School" or "institution of higher education" means any private institution of highereducation or any state institution of higher education as defined in Section
(3) "State institution of higher education" includes the University of Utah, Utah StateUniversity, Southern Utah University, Weber State University, Snow College, Dixie StateCollege of Utah, Utah Valley University, Salt Lake Community College, and any other universityor college which may be established and maintained by the state, and includes any branch oraffiliated institution and any campus or facility owned, operated, or controlled by the governingboard of the university or college.
Amended by Chapter 211, 2010 General Session