76-8-708. Enforcement of rules or regulations of institutions -- Privilege ofinformation acquired in proceedings. (1) Nothing herein shall be deemed to prevent any state institution of higher educationfrom proceeding to enforce against any invitee, student, faculty member, or other employee of aninstitution any rule or regulation of the institution in accordance with procedural regulations asmay be established by the president and institutional council of the institution and as authorized bythe state board of higher education.
(2) The chief administrative officer of any state institution of higher education, or anyperson designated by him to enforce any rule or regulation against any student, faculty member,or other employee of the institution cannot be examined as to information, written or oral, whichhas been acquired by him in the process of the enforcement proceedings or related activities,without the permission of the person against whom the rule or regulation was to be enforced.
Enacted by Chapter 196, 1973 General Session