76-8-712. Re-entry of campus or facility after denial of access as condition ofsuspension or dismissal -- Presumption of knowledge. (1) Every student or employee who, after a hearing, has been suspended or dismissedfrom an institution of higher education for disrupting the orderly operation of a campus or facilityand as a condition of suspension or dismissal has been denied access to the campus or facility ofthe institution for the period of the suspension or for a period not to exceed one year in the case ofdismissal, who has been served by registered or certified mail at the last address given by theperson with a written notice of suspension or dismissal and condition; and who willfully andknowingly enters upon the campus or facility of the institution to which he has been denied accesswithout the express written permission of the chief administrative officer is guilty of amisdemeanor and shall be punished as provided in Section
(2) Knowledge shall be presumed if notice has been given as prescribed in this section.The presumption established by this section is a presumption affecting the burden of proof.
Enacted by Chapter 196, 1973 General Session