76-8-713. Person not a student, officer or employee -- Re-entry of campus orfacility after direction to leave. If a person who is not a student, officer, or employee of an institution of higher educationand is not required by his employment to be on the campus or other facility owned, operated, orcontrolled by an institution of higher education, enters the campus or facility, and it reasonablyappears to the chief administrative officer of the campus or facility or his agent or representativethat the person is committing an act likely to interfere with the peaceful conduct of the activitiesof the campus or facility or has entered the campus or facility for the purpose of committing anysuch act, the chief administrative officer or his agent or representative may direct the person toleave the campus or facility, and if he fails to do so or willfully and knowingly re-enters upon thecampus or facility within 72 hours after being directed to leave, he is guilty of an offense andshall be punished as provided in Section
Enacted by Chapter 196, 1973 General Session