76-8-902. Advocating criminal syndicalism or sabotage. Any person who by word of mouth or writing advocates, suggests, or teaches the duty,necessity, propriety, or expediency of crime, criminal syndicalism or sabotage, or who advocates,suggests or teaches the duty, necessity, propriety, or expediency or doing any act of violence, thedestruction of or damage to any property, the bodily injury to any person, or the commission ofany crime or unlawful act as a means of accomplishing or effecting any industrial or politicalends, change or revolution, or who prints, publishes, edits, or issues, or knowingly circulates,sells, or distributes, or publicly displays, any books, pamphlets, paper, handbill, poster,document, or written or printed matter in any form whatsoever, containing, advocating, advising,suggesting, or teaching crime, criminal syndicalism, sabotage, the doing of any act of violence,the destruction of or damage to any property, the injury to any person, or the commission of anycrime or unlawful act, as a means of accomplishing, effecting, or bringing about any industrial orpolitical ends or change, or as a means of accomplishing, effecting, or bringing about anyindustrial or political revolution, or who openly or at all attempts to justify by word of mouth orwriting the commission or the attempt to commit sabotage, any act of violence, the destruction ofor damage to any property, the injury of any person, or the commission of any crime or unlawfulact, with the intent to exemplify, spread, or teach or suggest criminal syndicalism, or organizes,or helps to organize, or becomes a member of, or voluntarily assembles with, any society orassemblage of persons formed to teach or advocate, or which teaches, advocates, or suggests thedoctrine of criminal syndicalism or sabotage, or the necessity, propriety, or expediency of doingany act of violence or the commission of any crime or unlawful act as a means of accomplishingor effecting any industrial or political ends, change or revolution, is guilty of a felony of the thirddegree.
Enacted by Chapter 196, 1973 General Session