76-9-803. Penalties regarding criminal street gang activities. (1) It is a class B misdemeanor to:
(a) solicit, recruit, entice, or intimidate a minor to join a criminal street gang, whether ornot the minor actually joins the criminal street gang;
(b) conspire to commit any act under Subsection (1)(a) with the intent to cause a minor tojoin a criminal street gang; or
(c) use intimidation to prevent or attempt to prevent a minor from leaving a criminalstreet gang or ending the minor's affiliation with a criminal street gang.
(2) It is a class A misdemeanor for any person who is a member of or actively involvedwith a criminal street gang to:
(a) intimidate or otherwise cause a minor to commit or attempt to commit anymisdemeanor criminal offense; or
(b) commit a violation of Subsection (1)(a):
(i) more than once;
(ii) regarding the same minor; and
(iii) within a period of 180 days.
(3) Prosecution for any offense under this section does not prohibit prosecution for anyother criminal offense.
Enacted by Chapter 15, 2008 General Session