request is filed with the court unless the court finds compelling reasons to continue the hearing. The hearing shall then be held at the earliest possible time. The burden is on the petitioner toshow by a preponderance of the evidence that stalking of the petitioner by the respondent hasoccurred.
(b) An ex parte civil stalking injunction issued under this section shall state on its face:
(i) that the respondent is entitled to a hearing, upon written request within 10 days of theservice of the order;
(ii) the name and address of the district court where the request may be filed;
(iii) that if the respondent fails to request a hearing within 10 days of service, the ex partecivil stalking injunction is automatically modified to a civil stalking injunction without furthernotice to the respondent and that the civil stalking injunction expires three years after service ofthe ex parte civil stalking injunction; and
(iv) that if the respondent requests, in writing, a hearing after the ten-day period afterservice, the court shall set a hearing within a reasonable time from the date requested.
(7) At the hearing, the court may modify, revoke, or continue the injunction. The burdenis on the petitioner to show by a preponderance of the evidence that stalking of the petitioner bythe respondent has occurred.
(8) The ex parte civil stalking injunction and civil stalking injunction shall include thefollowing statement: "Attention. This is an official court order. If you disobey this order, thecourt may find you in contempt. You may also be arrested and prosecuted for the crime ofstalking and any other crime you may have committed in disobeying this order."
(9) The ex parte civil stalking injunction shall be served on the respondent within 90days from the date it is signed. An ex parte civil stalking injunction is effective upon service. Ifno hearing is requested in writing by the respondent within 10 days of service of the ex parte civilstalking injunction, the ex parte civil stalking injunction automatically becomes a civil stalkinginjunction without further notice to the respondent and expires three years from the date ofservice of the ex parte civil stalking injunction.
(10) If the respondent requests a hearing after the ten-day period after service, the courtshall set a hearing within a reasonable time from the date requested. At the hearing, the burden ison the respondent to show good cause why the civil stalking injunction should be dissolved ormodified.
(11) Within 24 hours after the affidavit or acceptance of service has been returned,excluding weekends and holidays, the clerk of the court from which the ex parte civil stalkinginjunction was issued shall enter a copy of the ex parte civil stalking injunction and proof ofservice or acceptance of service in the statewide network for warrants or a similar system.
(a) The effectiveness of an ex parte civil stalking injunction or civil stalking injunctionshall not depend upon its entry in the statewide system and, for enforcement purposes, a certifiedcopy of an ex parte civil stalking injunction or civil stalking injunction is presumed to be a validexisting order of the court for a period of three years from the date of service of the ex parte civilstalking injunction on the respondent.
(b) Any changes or modifications of the ex parte civil stalking injunction are effectiveupon service on the respondent. The original ex parte civil stalking injunction continues in effectuntil service of the changed or modified civil stalking injunction on the respondent.
(12) Within 24 hours after the affidavit or acceptance of service has been returned,excluding weekends and holidays, the clerk of the court shall enter a copy of the changed or
modified civil stalking injunction and proof of service or acceptance of service in the statewidenetwork for warrants or a similar system.
(13) The ex parte civil stalking injunction or civil stalking injunction may be dissolved atany time upon application of the petitioner to the court which granted it.
(14) The court clerk shall provide, without charge, to the petitioner one certified copy ofthe injunction issued by the court and one certified copy of the proof of service of the injunctionon the respondent. Charges may be imposed by the clerk's office for any additional copies,certified or not certified in accordance with Rule 4-202.08 of the Code of JudicialAdministration.
(15) The remedies provided in this chapter for enforcement of the orders of the court arein addition to any other civil and criminal remedies available. The district court shall hear anddecide all matters arising pursuant to this section.
(16) After a hearing with notice to the affected party, the court may enter an orderrequiring any party to pay the costs of the action, including reasonable attorney fees.
(17) This chapter does not apply to protective orders or ex parte protective orders issuedpursuant to Title 78B, Chapter 7, Part 1, Cohabitant Abuse Act, or to preliminary injunctionsissued pursuant to an action for dissolution of marriage or legal separation.
Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session