77-7-25. Keeping of records -- Making and forwarding of abstract upon convictionor forfeiture of bail -- Form and contents -- Official misconduct. (1) A magistrate or judge of a court shall keep a full record of each case in which aperson is charged with:
(a) a violation of this chapter; or
(b) any other law regulating the operation of a motor vehicle on the highway.
(2) (a) Within 10 days after the conviction or forfeiture of bail of a person on a charge ofviolating a provision of this chapter or other law regulating the operation of a motor vehicle onthe highway, the magistrate of the court or clerk of the court in which the conviction was made orbail was forfeited shall prepare and immediately forward to the department an abstract of therecord of the court covering the case in which the person was convicted or forfeited bail.
(b) The abstract shall be certified by the person required to prepare the abstract to be trueand correct.
(c) A report under this Subsection (2) is not required for a conviction involving theillegal parking or standing of a vehicle.
(3) The abstract must be made in a manner specified by the Driver License Division andshall include the:
(a) name and address of the party charged;
(b) number, if any, of the person's driver license;
(c) license plate number of the vehicle involved;
(d) nature of the offense;
(e) date of hearing;
(f) plea;
(g) judgment, or whether bail was forfeited; and
(h) amount of the fine or forfeiture.
(4) A court shall provide a copy of the report to the Driver License Division on theconviction of a person of manslaughter or other felony in which a vehicle was used.
(5) The failure, refusal, or neglect of a judicial officer to comply with the requirements ofthis section constitutes misconduct in office and is grounds for removal.
(6) The Driver License Division shall classify and disclose all abstracts received inaccordance with Section
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 2, 2005 General Session