77-9-3. Authority of peace officer of this state beyond normal jurisdiction. (1) Any peace officer authorized by any governmental entity of this state may exercise apeace officer's authority beyond the limits of such officer's normal jurisdiction as follows:
(a) when in fresh pursuit of an offender for the purpose of arresting and holding thatperson in custody or returning the suspect to the jurisdiction where the offense was committed;
(b) when a public offense is committed in such officer's presence;
(c) when participating in an investigation of criminal activity which originated in theofficer's normal jurisdiction in cooperation with the local authority; or
(d) when called to assist peace officers of another jurisdiction.
(2) (a) Any peace officer, prior to taking any action authorized by Subsection (1), shallnotify and receive approval of the local law enforcement authority, or if the prior contact is notreasonably possible, notify the local law enforcement authority as soon as reasonably possible.
(b) Unless specifically requested to aid a peace officer of another jurisdiction orotherwise as provided for by law, no legal responsibility for a peace officer's action outside hisnormal jurisdiction, except as provided in this section, shall attach to the local law enforcementauthority.
Amended by Chapter 282, 1998 General Session