77-15a-101. Mentally retarded defendant not subject to death penalty -- Defendantwith subaverage functioning not subject to death penalty if confession not corroborated. (1) A defendant who is found by the court to be mentally retarded as defined in Section
77-15a-102 is not subject to the death penalty.
(2) A defendant who does not meet the definition of mental retardation under Section
77-15a-102 is not subject to the death penalty if:
(a) the defendant has significantly subaverage general intellectual functioning that existsconcurrently with significant deficiencies in adaptive functioning;
(b) the functioning described in Subsection (2)(a) is manifested prior to age 22; and
(c) the state intends to introduce into evidence a confession by the defendant which is notsupported by substantial evidence independent of the confession.
Enacted by Chapter 11, 2003 General Session