77-19-202. Incompetency or pregnancy of person sentenced to death -- Procedures. (1) If, after judgment of death, the executive director of the Department of Correctionshas good reason to believe that an inmate sentenced to death is pregnant, or has good reason tobelieve that an inmate's competency to be executed under this chapter should be addressed by acourt, the executive director of the Department of Corrections or the executive director's designeeshall immediately give written notice to the court in which the judgment of death was rendered,to the prosecuting attorney, and counsel for the inmate. The judgment shall be stayed pendingfurther order of the court.
(2) (a) On receipt of the notice under Subsection (1) of good reason for the court toaddress an inmate's competency to be executed, the court shall order that the mental condition ofthe inmate shall be examined under the provisions of Section
(b) If the inmate is found incompetent, the court shall immediately transmit a certificateof the findings to the Board of Pardons and Parole and continue the stay of execution pendingfurther order of the court.
(c) If the inmate is subsequently found competent at any time, the judge shallimmediately transmit a certificate of the findings to the Board of Pardons and Parole, and shalldraw and have delivered another warrant under Section
77-19-6, together with a copy of thecertificate of the findings. The warrant shall state an appointed day on which the judgment is tobe executed, which may not be fewer than 30 nor more than 60 days from the date of the drawingof the warrant, and which may not be a Sunday, Monday, or a legal holiday, as defined in Section
(3) (a) If the court finds the inmate is pregnant, it shall immediately transmit a certificateof the finding to the Board of Pardons and Parole and to the executive director of the Departmentof Corrections or the executive director's designee, and the court shall issue an order staying theexecution of the judgment of death during the pregnancy.
(b) When the court determines the inmate is no longer pregnant, it shall immediatelytransmit a certificate of the finding to the Board of Pardons and Parole and draw and havedelivered another warrant under Section
77-19-6, with a copy of the certificate of the finding. The warrant shall state an appointed day on which the judgment is to be executed, which may notbe fewer than 30 nor more than 60 days from the date of the drawing of the warrant, and whichmay not be a Sunday, Monday, or a legal holiday, as defined in Section
(4) The Department of Corrections shall determine the hour, within the appointed day, atwhich the judgment is to be executed.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session