77-27-8. Record of hearing. (1) A verbatim record of proceedings before the Board of Pardons and Parole shall bemaintained by a suitable electronic recording device, except when the board dispenses with arecord in a particular hearing or a portion of the proceedings.
(2) When the hearing involves the commutation of a death sentence, a certified shorthandreporter, in addition to electronic means, shall record all proceedings except when the boarddispenses with a record for the purpose of deliberations in executive session. The compensationof the reporter shall be determined by the board. The reporter shall immediately file with theboard the original record and when requested shall with reasonable diligence furnish atranscription or copy of the record upon payment of reasonable fees as determined by the board.
(3) When an inmate or offender affirms by affidavit that he is unable to pay for a copy ofthe record, the board may furnish a copy of the record, at the expense of the state, to the inmateor offender.
Amended by Chapter 110, 2010 General Session