77-28c-102. Preamble.PREAMBLE Whereas: The Interstate Compact for the supervision of Parolees and Probationers wasestablished in 1937, it is the earliest corrections "compact" established among the states and hasnot been amended since its adoption over 62 years ago;
Whereas: This compact is the only vehicle for the controlled movement of adult paroleesand probationers across state lines, and it currently has jurisdiction over more than a quarter of amillion offenders;
Whereas: The complexities of the compact have become more difficult to administer, andmany jurisdictions have expanded supervision expectations to include currently unregulatedpractices such as victim input, victim notification requirements, and sex offender registration;
Whereas: After hearings, national surveys, and a detailed study by a task force appointedby the National Institute of Corrections, the overwhelming recommendation has been to amendthe document to bring about an effective management capacity that addresses public safetyconcerns and offender accountability;
Whereas: Upon the adoption of this Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision, itis the intention of the legislature to repeal the previous Interstate Compact for the Supervision ofParolees and Probationers on the effective date of this Compact.
Enacted by Chapter 45, 2001 General Session