77-38-6. Victim's right to privacy. (1) The victim of a crime has the right, at any court proceeding, including any juvenilecourt proceeding, not to testify regarding the victim's address, telephone number, place ofemployment, or other locating information unless the victim specifically consents or the courtorders disclosure on finding that a compelling need exists to disclose the information. A courtproceeding on whether to order disclosure shall be in camera.
(2) A defendant may not compel any witness to a crime, at any court proceeding,including any juvenile court proceeding, to testify regarding the witness's address, telephonenumber, place of employment, or other locating information unless the witness specificallyconsents or the court orders disclosure on finding that a compelling need for the informationexists. A court proceeding on whether to order disclosure shall be in camera.
Amended by Chapter 352, 1995 General Session