78A-2-408. Transcripts and copies -- Fees. (1) The Judicial Council shall by rule provide for a standard page format for transcriptsof court hearings.
(2) (a) The fee for a transcript of a court session, or any part of a court session, shall be$3.50 per page, which includes the initial preparation of the transcript and one certified copy. The preparer shall deposit the original text file and printed transcript with the clerk of the courtand provide the person requesting the transcript with the certified copy. The cost of additionalcopies shall be as provided in Subsection
78A-2-301(1). The transcript for an appeal shall beprepared within the time period permitted by the rules of Appellate Procedure. The fee for atranscript prepared within three business days of the request shall be 1-1/2 times the base rate. The fee for a transcript prepared within one business day of the request shall be double the baserate.
(b) When a transcript is ordered by the court, the fees shall be paid by the parties to theaction in equal proportion or as ordered by the court. The fee for a transcript in a criminal case inwhich the defendant is found to be impecunious shall be paid pursuant to Section
(c) There is established within the General Fund a restricted account known as the CourtReporting Technology Account. The clerk of the court shall transfer to the state treasurer fordeposit into this account all fees received under this section. The state court administrator maydraw upon this account for the purchase, development, and maintenance of court reportingtechnologies and for other expenses necessary for maintaining a verbatim record of courtsessions.
(3) The fee for the preparation of a transcript of a court hearing by an official courttranscriber and the fee for the preparation of the transcript by a certified court reporter of ahearing before any court, referee, master, board, or commission of this state shall be as providedin Subsection (2)(a), and shall be payable to the person preparing the transcript.
Amended by Chapter 34, 2010 General Session