78A-6-1001 (Superseded 07/01/11). Jurisdiction over adults for offenses againstminors -- Proof of delinquency not required for conviction. (1) The court shall have jurisdiction, concurrent with the district court or justice courtotherwise having subject matter jurisdiction, to try adults for the following offenses committedagainst minors:
(a) unlawful sale or supply of alcohol beverage or product to minors in violation ofSection
(b) failure to report abuse or neglect, as required by Title 62A, Chapter 4a, Part 4, ChildAbuse or Neglect Reporting Requirements;
(c) harboring a runaway in violation of Section
(d) misdemeanor custodial interference in violation of Section
(e) contributing to the delinquency of a minor in violation of Section
76-10-2301; and
(f) failure to comply with compulsory education requirements in violation of Section
(2) It is not necessary for the minor to be found to be delinquent or to have committed adelinquent act for the court to exercise jurisdiction under Subsection (1).
Amended by Chapter 19, 2009 General Session