78A-6-102. Establishment of juvenile court -- Organization and status of court --Purpose. (1) There is established for the state a juvenile court.
(2) The juvenile court is a court of record. It shall have a seal, and its judges, clerks, andreferees have the power to administer oaths and affirmations.
(3) The juvenile court is of equal status with the district courts of the state.
(4) The juvenile court is established as a forum for the resolution of all matters properlybrought before it, consistent with applicable constitutional and statutory requirements of dueprocess.
(5) The purpose of the court under this chapter is to:
(a) promote public safety and individual accountability by the imposition of appropriatesanctions on persons who have committed acts in violation of law;
(b) order appropriate measures to promote guidance and control, preferably in the minor'sown home, as an aid in the prevention of future unlawful conduct and the development ofresponsible citizenship;
(c) where appropriate, order rehabilitation, reeducation, and treatment for persons whohave committed acts bringing them within the court's jurisdiction;
(d) adjudicate matters that relate to minors who are beyond parental or adult control andto establish appropriate authority over these minors by means of placement and control orders;
(e) adjudicate matters that relate to abused, neglected, and dependent children and toprovide care and protection for minors by placement, protection, and custody orders;
(f) remove a minor from parental custody only where the minor's safety or welfare, or thepublic safety, may not otherwise be adequately safeguarded; and
(g) consistent with the ends of justice, act in the best interests of the minor in all casesand preserve and strengthen family ties.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session