informing the court that a minor is or appears to be within the court's jurisdiction and that apetition may be filed.
(16) "Group rehabilitation therapy" means psychological and social counseling of one ormore persons in the group, depending upon the recommendation of the therapist.
(17) "Guardianship of the person" includes the authority to consent to:
(a) marriage;
(b) enlistment in the armed forces;
(c) major medical, surgical, or psychiatric treatment; or
(d) legal custody, if legal custody is not vested in another person, agency, or institution.
(18) "Habitual truant" is as defined in Section 53A-11-101.
(19) "Harm" means:
(a) physical, emotional, or developmental injury or damage;
(b) sexual abuse; or
(c) sexual exploitation.
(20) (a) "Incest" means engaging in sexual intercourse with a person whom theperpetrator knows to be the perpetrator's ancestor, descendant, brother, sister, uncle, aunt,nephew, niece, or first cousin.
(b) The relationships described in Subsection (20)(a) include:
(i) blood relationships of the whole or half blood, without regard to legitimacy;
(ii) relationships of parent and child by adoption; and
(iii) relationships of stepparent and stepchild while the marriage creating the relationshipof a stepparent and stepchild exists.
(21) "Legal custody" means a relationship embodying the following rights and duties:
(a) the right to physical custody of the minor;
(b) the right and duty to protect, train, and discipline the minor;
(c) the duty to provide the minor with food, clothing, shelter, education, and ordinarymedical care;
(d) the right to determine where and with whom the minor shall live; and
(e) the right, in an emergency, to authorize surgery or other extraordinary care.
(22) "Minor" means:
(a) a child; or
(b) a person who is:
(i) at least 18 years of age and younger than 21 years of age; and
(ii) under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court.
(23) "Molestation" means that a person, with the intent to arouse or gratify the sexualdesire of any person:
(a) touches the anus or any part of the genitals of a child;
(b) takes indecent liberties with a child; or
(c) causes a child to take indecent liberties with the perpetrator or another.
(24) "Natural parent" means a minor's biological or adoptive parent, and includes theminor's noncustodial parent.
(25) (a) "Neglect" means:
(i) abandonment of a child, except as provided in Title 62A, Chapter 4a, Part 8, SafeRelinquishment of a Newborn Child;
(ii) lack of proper parental care of a child by reason of the fault or habits of the parent,
guardian, or custodian;
(iii) failure or refusal of a parent, guardian, or custodian to provide proper or necessarysubsistence, education, or medical care, or any other care necessary for the child's health, safety,morals, or well-being; or
(iv) a child at risk of being neglected or abused because another child in the same homeis neglected or abused.
(b) The aspect of neglect relating to education, described in Subsection (25)(a)(iii),means that, after receiving a notice of compulsory education violation under Section53A-11-101.5, or notice that a parent or guardian has failed to cooperate with school authoritiesin a reasonable manner as required under Subsection 53A-11-101.7(5)(a), the parent or guardianfails to make a good faith effort to ensure that the child receives an appropriate education.
(c) A parent or guardian legitimately practicing religious beliefs and who, for that reason,does not provide specified medical treatment for a child, is not guilty of neglect.
(d) (i) Notwithstanding Subsection (25)(a), a health care decision made for a child by thechild's parent or guardian does not constitute neglect unless the state or other party to theproceeding shows, by clear and convincing evidence, that the health care decision is notreasonable and informed.
(ii) Nothing in Subsection (25)(d)(i) may prohibit a parent or guardian from exercisingthe right to obtain a second health care opinion.
(26) "Neglected child" means a child who has been subjected to neglect.
(27) "Nonjudicial adjustment" means closure of the case by the assigned probationofficer without judicial determination upon the consent in writing of:
(a) the assigned probation officer; and
(b) (i) the minor; or
(ii) the minor and the minor's parent, legal guardian, or custodian.
(28) "Physical abuse" means abuse that results in physical injury or damage to a child.
(29) "Probation" means a legal status created by court order following an adjudication onthe ground of a violation of law or under Section 78A-6-103, whereby the minor is permitted toremain in the minor's home under prescribed conditions and under supervision by the probationdepartment or other agency designated by the court, subject to return to the court for violation ofany of the conditions prescribed.
(30) "Protective supervision" means a legal status created by court order following anadjudication on the ground of abuse, neglect, or dependency, whereby the minor is permitted toremain in the minor's home, and supervision and assistance to correct the abuse, neglect, ordependency is provided by the probation department or other agency designated by the court.
(31) (a) "Residual parental rights and duties" means those rights and duties remainingwith the parent after legal custody or guardianship, or both, have been vested in another person oragency, including:
(i) the responsibility for support;
(ii) the right to consent to adoption;
(iii) the right to determine the child's religious affiliation; and
(iv) the right to reasonable parent-time unless restricted by the court.
(b) If no guardian has been appointed, "residual parental rights and duties" also includethe right to consent to:
(i) marriage;
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session