78A-6-1101. Violation of order of court -- Contempt -- Penalty. (1) Any person who willfully violates or refuses to obey any order of the court may beproceeded against for contempt of court.
(2) Any person 18 years of age or older found in contempt of court may be punished inaccordance with Section
(3) (a) Any person younger than 18 years of age found in contempt of court may bepunished by any disposition permitted under Section
78A-6-117, except for commitment to asecure facility.
(b) The court may stay or suspend all or part of the punishment upon compliance withconditions imposed by the court.
(4) The court may enforce orders of fines, fees, or restitution through garnishments, wagewithholdings, supplementary proceedings, or executions.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session