78A-6-114. Hearings -- Public excluded, exceptions -- Victims admitted -- Minor'scases heard separately from adult cases -- Minor or parents or custodian heard separately-- Continuance of hearing -- Consolidation of proceedings involving more than one minor. (1) Hearings in minor's cases shall be held before the court without a jury and may beconducted in an informal manner.
(a) (i) In abuse, neglect, and dependency cases the court shall admit any person to ahearing, including a hearing under Section
78A-6-322, unless the court makes a finding upon therecord that the person's presence at the hearing would:
(A) be detrimental to the best interest of a child who is a party to the proceeding;
(B) impair the fact-finding process; or
(C) be otherwise contrary to the interests of justice.
(ii) The court may exclude a person from a hearing under Subsection (1)(a)(i) on its ownmotion or by motion of a party to the proceeding.
(b) In delinquency cases the court shall admit all persons who have a direct interest in thecase and may admit persons requested by the parent or legal guardian to be present. The courtshall exclude all other persons except as provided in Subsection (1)(c).
(c) In delinquency cases in which the minor charged is 14 years of age or older, the courtshall admit any person unless the hearing is closed by the court upon findings on the record forgood cause if:
(i) the minor has been charged with an offense which would be a felony if committed byan adult; or
(ii) the minor is charged with an offense that would be a class A or B misdemeanor ifcommitted by an adult, and the minor has been previously charged with an offense which wouldbe a misdemeanor or felony if committed by an adult.
(d) The victim of any act charged in a petition or information involving an offensecommitted by a minor which if committed by an adult would be a felony or a class A or class Bmisdemeanor shall, upon request, be afforded all rights afforded victims in Title 77, Chapter 36,Cohabitant Abuse Procedures Act, Title 77, Chapter 37, Victims' Rights, and Title 77, Chapter38, Rights of Crime Victims Act. The notice provisions in Section
77-38-3 do not apply toimportant juvenile justice hearings as defined in Section
(e) A victim, upon request to appropriate juvenile court personnel, shall have the right toinspect and duplicate juvenile court legal records that have not been expunged concerning:
(i) the scheduling of any court hearings on the petition;
(ii) any findings made by the court; and
(iii) any sentence or decree imposed by the court.
(2) Minor's cases shall be heard separately from adult cases. The minor or the parents orcustodian of a minor may be heard separately when considered necessary by the court. Thehearing may be continued from time to time to a date specified by court order.
(3) When more than one child is involved in a home situation which may be found toconstitute neglect or dependency, or when more than one minor is alleged to be involved in thesame law violation, the proceedings may be consolidated, except that separate hearings may beheld with respect to disposition.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session