78A-6-121. Entry of judgment for fine or restitution -- Transfer for collection. (1) If, prior to the entry of any order terminating jurisdiction of a juvenile, there remainsany unpaid balance for any fine or restitution ordered by the court, the court shall record allpertinent information in the juvenile's file and transfer responsibility to collect all unpaid finesand restitution to the Office of State Debt Collection.
(2) Before transferring the responsibility to collect any past due fines, the court shallreduce the order to a judgment listing the Office of State Debt Collection as the judgmentcreditor.
(3) Before transferring the responsibility to collect any past due accounts receivable forrestitution to a victim, the court shall reduce the restitution order to a judgment listing the victim,or the estate of the victim, as the judgment creditor.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session