78A-6-605. Dispositional report required in minor's cases -- Exceptions. (1) The probation department or other agency designated by the court shall make adispositional report in writing in all minor's cases in which a petition has been filed, except thatthe court may dispense with the study and report in cases involving violations of traffic laws orordinances, violations of wildlife laws, boating laws, and other minor cases.
(2) When preparing a dispositional report and recommendation in a delinquency action,the probation department or other agency designated by the court shall consider the juvenilesentencing guidelines developed in accordance with Section
63M-7-404 and any aggravating ormitigating circumstances.
(3) Where the allegations of a petition filed under Subsection
78A-6-103(1) are denied,the investigation may not be made until the court has made an adjudication.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session