78A-7-103. Requirements by Judicial Council for creating and certifying justicecourts. (1) The Judicial Council has the responsibility for promulgating and publishingminimum requirements both for the creation of new courts and the certification of existingcourts. The council shall also review requests for waiver of the minimum requirements and mayauthorize the creation of a court by waiving compliance with minimum requirements or byallowing for an extension of time to meet the minimum requirements.
(2) Existing justice courts shall be recertified at the end of each four-year term if theycontinue to meet the minimum requirements for the establishment of a new court. Any existingcourt which does not meet the minimum requirements may request a review from the council,which may authorize the recertification of the court by waiving compliance with minimumrequirements or by allowing for an extension of time to meet those requirements.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session