78A-7-105. Territorial jurisdiction -- Voting. (1) The territorial jurisdiction of county justice courts extends to the limits of the precinctfor which the justice court is created and includes all cities or towns within the precinct, exceptcities where a municipal justice court exists.
(2) The territorial jurisdiction of municipal justice courts extends to the corporate limitsof the municipality in which the justice court is created.
(3) The territorial jurisdiction of county and municipal justice courts functioning asmagistrates extends beyond the boundaries in Subsections (1) and (2):
(a) as set forth in Section
78A-2-220; and
(b) to the extent necessary to carry out magisterial functions under Subsection
77-7-23(2)regarding jailed persons.
(4) For election of county justice court judges, all registered voters in the county justicecourt precinct may vote at the judge's retention election.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session