78A-7-110. Docket to be kept -- Enumeration of entries required. Every justice court judge shall keep or cause to be kept a docket. The followinginformation shall be entered in the docket under the title of the action to which it relates:
(1) the title to every action or proceeding;
(2) the object of the action or proceeding, and the amount of any money claimed;
(3) the date of the service of the summons and the time of its return;
(4) a statement of the fact if an order to arrest the defendant is made or a writ ofattachment is issued;
(5) the time when the parties or any party appears, or a party's nonappearance, if defaultis made;
(6) minutes of the pleadings and motions in writing by referring to them, and if not inwriting, by a concise statement of the material parts of the pleadings;
(7) every adjournment, stating on whose application and to what time;
(8) a demand for a trial by jury, when made, by whom, and the order for the jury;
(9) the time appointed for the return of the jury and for the trial;
(10) the names of the jurors who appear and are sworn;
(11) the names of all witnesses sworn and at whose request;
(12) the verdict of the jury and when received, or if the jury disagree and are discharged,the disagreement and discharge;
(13) the judgment of the court including the costs included and when entered;
(14) an itemized statement of the costs;
(15) the time of issuing an execution and to whom, and the time of any renewals;
(16) a statement of any money paid to the court, when, and by whom; and
(17) the receipt of any notice of appeal, and of any appeal bond filed.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session