78A-7-120. Disposition of fines. (1) Except as otherwise specified by this section, fines and forfeitures collected by ajustice court shall be remitted, 1/2 to the treasurer of the local government responsible for thecourt and 1/2 to the treasurer of the local government which prosecutes or which would prosecutethe violation.
(2) (a) For violation of Title 23, the court shall allocate 85% to the Division of WildlifeResources and 15% to the general fund of the city or county government responsible for thejustice court.
(b) For violation of Title 41, Chapter 22, Off-highway Vehicles, or Title 73, Chapter 18,State Boating Act, the court shall allocate 85% to the Division of Parks and Recreation and 15%to the general fund of the city or county government responsible for the justice court.
(3) The surcharge established by Section
51-9-401 shall be paid to the state treasurer.
(4) Fines, fees, court costs, and forfeitures collected by a municipal or county justicecourt for a violation of Section
72-7-404 or
72-7-406 regarding maximum weight limitations andoverweight permits, minus court costs not to exceed the schedule adopted by the JudicialCouncil, shall be paid to the state treasurer and distributed to the class B and C road account.
(5) Revenue deposited in the class B and C road account pursuant to Subsection (4) issupplemental to the money appropriated under Section
72-2-107 but shall be expended in thesame manner as other class B and C road funds.
(6) (a) Fines and forfeitures collected by the court for a second or subsequent violationunder Section
41-6a-1713 or Subsection
72-7-409(8)(b) shall be remitted:
(i) 60% to the state treasurer to be deposited in the Transportation Fund; and
(ii) 40% in accordance with Subsection (1).
(b) Fines and forfeitures collected by the court for a second or subsequent violation underSubsection
72-7-409(8)(c) shall be remitted:
(i) 50% to the state treasurer to be deposited in the Transportation Fund; and
(ii) 50% in accordance with Subsection (1).
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session
Amended by Chapter 22, 2008 General Session