78A-7-205. Required annual training -- Expenses -- Failure to attend. (1) Prior to assuming office all justice court judges shall attend an orientation seminarconducted under the direction of the Judicial Council.
(2) All justice court judges shall attend the continuing education conducted under thesupervision of the Judicial Council each calendar year.
(a) Successful completion of the continuing education requirement includes instructionregarding competency and understanding of constitutional provisions and laws relating to thejurisdiction of the court, rules of evidence, and rules of civil and criminal procedure as indicatedby a certificate awarded by the Judicial Council.
(b) The county or municipality creating and maintaining a justice court shall assume theexpenses of travel, meals, and lodging for the judge to attend education and training seminarsconducted by the Judicial Council.
(3) Any judge not obtaining a certificate for two consecutive years may be removed fromoffice for cause under this section.
(4) The Judicial Council shall inform the Judicial Conduct Commission of the names ofjustice court judges failing to comply with this section.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session