78A-10-202. Membership. (1) The Appellate Court Nominating Commission shall consist of seven commissioners,each appointed by the governor to serve a single four-year term.
(2) Each commissioner shall:
(a) be a United States citizen;
(b) be a resident of Utah; and
(c) serve until the commissioner's successor is appointed.
(3) The governor may not appoint:
(a) a commissioner to serve successive terms;
(b) a member of the Legislature to serve as a member of the Appellate Court NominatingCommission; or
(c) more than four commissioners from the same political party to the Appellate CourtNominating Commission.
(4) (a) The Utah State Bar shall submit to the governor a list of six nominees to serve asAppellate Court Nominating Commissioners.
(b) The governor shall appoint two commissioners from the list of nominees provided bythe Utah State Bar.
(c) The governor may reject the list submitted by the Utah State Bar and request a newlist of nominees.
(5) The governor may not appoint more than four persons who are members of the UtahState Bar to the Appellate Court Nominating Commission.
(6) The chief justice of the Supreme Court shall appoint another member of the JudicialCouncil to serve as an ex officio, nonvoting member of the Appellate Court NominatingCommission.
(7) The governor shall appoint the chair of the Appellate Court Nominating Commissionfrom among the membership.
Amended by Chapter 134, 2010 General Session