78A-11-102. Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Commission" means the Judicial Conduct Commission established by UtahConstitution Article VIII, Section 13 and this chapter.
(2) (a) "Complaint" includes:
(i) a written complaint against a judge; or
(ii) an allegation based on reliable information received in any form, from any source,that alleges, or from which a reasonable inference can be drawn that a judge is in violation of anyprovision of Utah Constitution Article VIII, Section 13.
(b) "Complaint" does not include an allegation initiated by the commission or its staff.
(3) "Investigation" means an inquiry into an allegation of misconduct, including a searchfor and examination of evidence concerning the allegations, which begins upon the receipt of acomplaint and is completed when either the complaint is dismissed by a majority vote of thecommission or when an order is sent to the Supreme Court for its review in accordance withUtah Constitution Article VIII, Section 13.
(4) "Judge" includes the chief justice of the Supreme Court, a justice of the SupremeCourt, an appellate court judge, a district court judge, an active senior judge, a juvenile courtjudge, a justice court judge, an active senior justice court judge, and a judge pro tempore of anycourt of this state.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session