78B-1-106. Master jury list -- Inclusive -- Review -- Renewal -- Public examination. (1) The Judicial Council shall designate one or more regularly maintained lists of personsresiding in each county as the source lists for the master jury list for that county. The master jurylist shall be as inclusive of the adult population of the county as is reasonably practicable.
(2) The Judicial Council shall by rule provide for the biannual review of the master jurylist to evaluate its inclusiveness of the adult population of the county.
(3) Not less than once every six months the Administrative Office of the Courts shallrenew the master jury list for a county by incorporating any additions, deletions, or amendmentsto the source lists. The Administrative Office of the Courts shall include any additional sourcelists designated by the Judicial Council upon the next renewal of the master jury list for a county.
(4) The person having custody, possession, or control of any list used in compiling themaster jury list shall make the list available to the Administrative Office of the Courts at allreasonable times without charge.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session