78B-1-107. Qualified jury list -- Term of availability -- Juror qualification form --Content -- Joint jury list for court authorized. (1) Prospective jurors shall be selected at random from the master jury list and, ifqualified, placed on the qualified jury list. A prospective juror shall remain on the qualified jurylist for no longer than six months or for such shorter period established by rule of the JudicialCouncil. The qualified jury list may be used by all courts within the county, but no person shallbe summoned to serve as a juror in more than one court.
(2) The Judicial Council shall by rule govern the process for the qualification of jurorsand the selection of qualified jurors for voir dire.
(3) The state court administrator shall develop a standard form for the qualification ofjurors. The form shall include:
(a) the name, address, and daytime telephone number of the prospective juror;
(b) questions suitable for determining whether the prospective juror is competent understatute to serve as a juror; and
(c) the person's declaration that the responses to questions on the qualification form aretrue to the best of the person's knowledge.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session