78B-1-117. Jurors and witnesses -- State payment for jurors and subpoenaedpersons -- Appropriations and costs -- Expenses in justice court. (1) The state is responsible for payment of all fees and expenses authorized by law forprosecution witnesses, witnesses subpoenaed by indigent defendants, and interpreter costs incriminal actions in the courts of record and actions in the juvenile court. The state is responsiblefor payment of all fees and expenses authorized by law for jurors in the courts of record. Forthese payments, the Judicial Council shall receive an annual appropriation contained in a separateline item appropriation.
(2) If expenses exceed the line item appropriation, the administrator of the courts shallsubmit a claim against the state to the Board of Examiners and request the board to recommendand submit a supplemental appropriation request to the Legislature for the deficit incurred.
(3) In the justice courts, the fees, mileage, and other expenses authorized by law forjurors, prosecution witnesses, witnesses subpoenaed by indigent defendants, and interpreter costsshall be paid by the municipality if the action is prosecuted by the city attorney, and by the countyif the action is prosecuted by the county attorney or district attorney.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session