78B-1-122. Jurors and witnesses -- Justice court judge -- Certificate of attendance-- Records and reporting. (1) Every justice court judge shall give to each person who has served before him as ajuror or as a witness in a criminal cause when summoned for the prosecution by the county orcity attorney, or for the defense by order of the court, a numbered certificate, in which must bestated:
(a) the name of the juror or witness;
(b) the title of the proceeding;
(c) the number of days in attendance;
(d) the number of miles traveled if the witness has traveled more than 50 miles in goingonly; and
(e) the amount due.
(2) The certificate shall be presented to the county or city attorney. When certified asbeing correct, it shall be presented to the county or city auditor and when allowed by the countyexecutive or town council, the auditor shall draw a warrant for it on the treasurer.
(3) Every justice court judge shall keep a record of all certificates issued. The recordshall show all of the facts stated in each certificate. On the first Monday of each month a detailedstatement of all certificates issued shall be filed with the treasurer.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session