78B-1-151. Witnesses -- Expenses for expert witnesses. (1) The court may appoint any expert witness agreed upon by the parties or of its ownselection. The court shall inform the expert of required duties in writing and a copy shall be filedwith the court record.
(2) The appointed expert shall advise the court and the parties of findings and may becalled to testify by the court or by any party. The expert witness is subject to cross-examinationby each party.
(3) The court shall determine the reasonable compensation of the expert and orderpayment. The parties may call expert witnesses of their own at their own expense. Upon ashowing that a defendant is financially unable to pay the compensation of an expert whoseservices are necessary for an adequate defense, the compensation shall be paid as if the expertwere called on behalf of the prosecution.
(4) Payment by the court for an expert witness in a criminal case is limited to the fee andmileage allowance for witnesses under Section
78B-1-119 and necessary meals and lodgingexpenses as provided by rule of the Judicial Council. Compensation of an expert witness beyondthe statutory fee and mileage allowance shall be paid by the parties under Subsection (3).
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session