78B-1-201. Definitions. As used in this part:
(1) "Appointing authority" means the presiding officer or similar official of any court,board, commission, authority, department, agency, legislative body, or of any proceeding of anynature where a qualified interpreter is required under this part.
(2) "Hearing-impaired person" and "hearing-impaired parent" means a deaf or hard ofhearing person who, because of sensory or environmental conditions, requires the assistance of aqualified interpreter or other special assistance for communicative purposes.
(3) "Necessary steps" or "necessary services" include provisions of qualified interpreters,lip reading, pen and paper, typewriters, closed-circuit television with closed-caption translations,computers with print-out capability, and telecommunications devices for the deaf or similardevices.
(4) "Qualified interpreter" means a sign language or oral interpreter as provided inSections
78B-1-203 and
78B-1-206 of this part.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session