78B-3-423. Affidavit of merit. (1) (a) Before a claimant may receive a certificate of compliance under Sections
78B-3-416 and
78B-3-418, a claimant shall file an affidavit of merit under this section:
(i) within 60 days of the date of the panel's opinion, if the claimant receives a findingfrom the pre-litigation panel in accordance with Section
78B-3-418 of non-meritorious for either:
(A) the claim of breach of applicable standard of care; or
(B) that the breach of care was the proximate cause of injury;
(ii) within 60 days of the expiration of the time limit in Subsection
78B-3-416(3)(b)(ii),if a pre-litigation hearing is not held within the time limits under Subsection
(iii) within 30 days of the division's determination under Subsection
78B-3-416(3)(d)(ii)(B), if the division makes a determination under Subsection
(b) A claimant who is required to file an affidavit of merit under Subsection (1)(a) shall:
(i) file the affidavit of merit with the division; and
(ii) serve each defendant with the affidavit of merit in accordance with Subsection
(2) The affidavit of merit shall:
(a) be executed by the claimant's attorney or the claimant if the claimant is proceedingpro se, stating that the affiant has consulted with and reviewed the facts of the case with a healthcare provider who has determined after a review of the medical record and other relevantmaterial involved in the particular action that there is a reasonable and meritorious cause for thefiling of a medical liability action; and
(b) include an affidavit signed by a health care provider who meets the requirements ofSubsection (3), which states that in the health care provider's opinion:
(i) there are reasonable grounds to believe that the applicable standard of care wasbreached;
(ii) the breach was a proximate cause of the injury claimed in the notice of intent tocommence action; and
(iii) the reasons for the health care provider's opinion.
(c) The statement required in Subsection (2)(b)(i) shall be waived if the claimantreceived an opinion that there was a breach of the applicable standard of care under Subsection
(3) A health care provider who signs the affidavit of merit under Subsection (2) shall:
(a) if none of the respondents is a physician licensed under Title 58, Chapter 67, UtahMedical Practice Act, or an osteopathic physician licensed under Title 58, Chapter 68, UtahOsteopathic Medical Practice Act, hold a current unrestricted license issued by the appropriatelicensing authority of Utah or another state in the same specialty or of the same class of license asthe respondents; or
(b) if at least one of the respondents is a physician licensed under Title 58, Chapter 67,Utah Medical Practice Act, or an osteopathic physician licensed under Title 58, Chapter 68, UtahOsteopathic Medical Practice Act, hold a current unrestricted license issued by the appropriatelicensing authority of Utah or another state to practice medicine in all its branches.
(4) A claimant's attorney or claimant may obtain up to a 60-day extension to file theaffidavit of merit if:
(a) the claimant or the claimant's attorney submits a signed affidavit for extension withnotice to the division attesting to the fact that the claimant is unable to submit an affidavit ofmerit as required by this section because:
(i) a statute of limitations would impair the action; and
(ii) the affidavit of merit could not be obtained before the expiration of the statute oflimitations; and
(b) the claimant or claimant's attorney submits the affidavit for extension to each namedrespondent in accordance with Subsection
78B-3-412(3) no later than 60 days after the datespecified in Subsection (1)(a)(i).
(5) (a) A claimant or claimant's attorney who submits allegations in an affidavit of meritthat are found to be without reasonable cause and untrue, based on information available to theplaintiff at the time the affidavit was submitted to the division, is liable to the defendant for thepayment of reasonable expenses and reasonable attorney fees actually incurred by the defendantor the defendant's insurer.
(b) An affidavit of merit is not admissible, and cannot be used for any purpose, in asubsequent lawsuit based on the claim that is the subject of the affidavit, except for the purposeof establishing the right to recovery under Subsection (5)(c).
(c) A court, or arbitrator under Section
78B-3-421, may award costs and attorney feesunder Subsection (5)(a) if the defendant files a motion for costs and attorney fees within 60 daysof the judgment or dismissal of the action in favor of the defendant. The person making a motionfor attorney fees and costs may depose and examine the health care provider who prepared theaffidavit of merit.
(6) If a claimant or the claimant's attorney does not file an affidavit of merit as requiredby this section, the division may not issue a certificate of compliance for the claimant and themalpractice action shall be dismissed by the court.
(7) This section applies to a cause of action that arises on or after July 1, 2010.
Enacted by Chapter 97, 2010 General Session