78B-5-804. Money deposited in court. (1) (a) Any person depositing money in court, to be held in trust, shall pay it to the courtclerk.
(b) The clerk shall deposit the money in a court trust fund or with the county treasurer orcity recorder to be held subject to the order of the court.
(2) The Judicial Council shall adopt rules governing the maintenance of court trust fundsand the disposition of interest earnings on those trust funds.
(3) (a) Any interest earned on trust funds in the courts of record that is not required toaccrue to the litigants by Judicial Council rule or court order shall be deposited in a restrictedaccount. Any interest earned on trust funds in the courts not of record that is not required toaccrue to the litigants by Judicial Council rule or court order shall be deposited in the generalfund of the county or municipality.
(b) The Legislature shall appropriate funds from the restricted account of the courts ofrecord to the Judicial Council to:
(i) offset costs to the courts for collection and maintenance of court trust funds; and
(ii) provide accounting and auditing of all court revenue and trust accounts.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session