78B-6-1112. Security requirement -- Amount not a limitation -- Jurisdiction oversurety. (1) The court shall condition issuance of the order of abatement by eviction on the givingof security by the applicant, in such sum and form as the court determines proper, unless itappears that none of the parties will incur or suffer costs, attorney fees, or damage as the result ofany wrongful order of abatement by eviction, or unless there exists some other substantial reasonfor dispensing with the requirement of security. No such security shall be required of the UnitedStates, the State of Utah, or of an officer, agency, or subdivision of either; nor shall it be requiredwhen it is prohibited by law.
(2) The amount of security shall not establish or limit the amount of costs, includingreasonable attorney fees incurred in connection with the order of abatement by eviction, ordamages that may be awarded to a party who is found to have been wrongfully evicted.
(3) A surety upon a bond or undertaking under this section submits to the jurisdiction ofthe court and irrevocably appoints the clerk of the court as agent upon whom any papers affectingthe surety's liability on the bond or undertaking may be served. The surety's liability may beenforced on motion without the necessity of an independent action. The motion and such noticeof the motion as the court prescribes may be served on the clerk of the court who shallimmediately mail copies to the persons giving the security if their addresses are known.
(4) The plaintiff, upon demand, shall be granted a hearing to be held prior to theexpiration of three days from the date the defendant is served with notice of the plaintiff's givingof security as provided in Subsection
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session