78B-6-1211. Notice of appearance before referee -- Referee's report. (1) The referee appointed in Section
78B-6-1210 shall set a date to hear from eachperson holding a lien on the property. The plaintiff shall have a notice and summons served oneach person identified in Section
78B-6-1210 who is not a party to the action.
(2) The summons shall state the specific time and place of the hearing and instruct theperson to appear with proof of all amounts due.
(3) If the person cannot be found, the court may direct service to be made by publicationin accordance with the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure.
(4) The referee shall provide a report to the court detailing his findings. The court shallconfirm, modify, or set aside the findings. If the findings are set aside, a new referee may beappointed in accordance with Section
Enacted by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session