78B-6-122.5. Effect of out-of-state paternity adjudication, declaration, oracknowledgment. Unless a person who is an unmarried biological father has fully and strictly complied withthe requirements of Sections
78B-6-120 through
78B-6-122, an out-of-state order thatadjudicates paternity, or an out-of-state declaration or acknowledgment of paternity:
(1) only has the effect of establishing that the person is an unmarried biological father ofthe child to whom the order, declaration, or acknowledgment relates; and
(2) does not entitle the person to:
(a) notice of any judicial proceeding related to the adoption of the child;
(b) the right to consent, or refuse to consent, to the adoption of the child; or
(c) the right to custody of, control over, or visitation with the child.
Enacted by Chapter 237, 2010 General Session