78B-6-135. Division of Child and Family Services -- Duties -- Report -- Fee. (1) At the request of the court, the division, through its field agents, persons licensed bythe division for the care and placement of children, or through the probation officer of thejuvenile court or court of like jurisdiction of the county, under the division's supervision, shall:
(a) verify the allegations of the petition for adoption of a minor child;
(b) make a thorough investigation of the matter; and
(c) report the division's findings in writing to the court.
(2) (a) When the court requests an investigation under Subsection (1), the court shallserve a copy of the petition, together with a statement containing the names and addresses of thechild and petitioners, on the division by certified mail.
(b) The division, or the person appointed by the division, shall complete the investigationdescribed in Subsection (2)(a) and submit a written report to the court within 60 days after theday that the petition is served on the division.
(3) (a) The division shall charge the petitioner a reasonable fee for the services providedunder this section.
(b) Fees collected shall be deposited in the General Fund.
(4) The written report submitted to the court under this section shall state:
(a) why the birth parents, if living, desire to be released from the care, support, andguardianship of the child;
(b) whether the birth parents have abandoned the child or are morally unfit for custody;
(c) whether the proposed adoptive parent or parents are financially able and morally fit tohave the care, supervision, and training of the child;
(d) the physical and mental condition of the child, so far as that may be determined; and
(e) any other facts and circumstances pertaining to the child and the child's welfare.
(5) (a) The court shall conduct a full hearing on the petition for adoption and examine theparties in interest under oath.
(b) The court may adjourn the hearing from time to time as the nature of the caserequires.
(6) If the report submitted by the division under Subsection (2) disapproves of theadoption of the child by the petitioner, the court may dismiss the petition.
Amended by Chapter 237, 2010 General Session